How to deal with the Night Audit after longer closure

How to deal with the Night Audit after longer closure

If the hotel is closed for a longer period and there is no activity in the system during that time (no check-ins or check-outs), there is no need to do the Night Audit every day. 

In this case on the first day of reopening(or the day before) we simply change the System Date to a previous day in System Options:

In our example that will be 1st April 2020 (as today is 2nd April 2020). After changing this value we will have to save our changes by clicking on the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Next, we will have to navigate to the Night Audit page and perform our Night Audit as usual. This procedure will bring our system Date to the 2nd of April as per our example which for us will be our first trading day where we will be having check-ins.

Please bear in mind that during the Night Audit procedure all your bookings between the last successful Night Audit and the current one if not checked in will be treated as a No Show and therefore canceled. 
If you want to move all or some of these reservations to later date please do so before Night Audit. 

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